Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Civil War Unavoidable essays

Civil War Unavoidable essays Was the Civil War un-avoidable? Was there another solution, or was it inevitable? These questions have one definite answer. The answer is Inevitable. What were the causes of the Civil War? Most people think of slaver when that war is mentioned. Even centuries later, we still debate the cause of the Civil War. With most wars, there isnt just one problem, but several complicated issues. The main issue was slavery! President Lincoln wanted to abolish slavery altogether. There was a tremendous amount of political opponents to this. In a speech made by president Lincoln I believe this government cannot endure permanently half slave and half free.1 The only problem was: the south needed slavery for their economy. They felt that without slavery, their economy was doomed to fail. Although, slavery was the main cause; some states w anted to secede. They wanted to secede because of two reasons: slavery was needed for the southern economy, and the southern were pro states rights. They thought the federal government and president Lincoln- had too much power. When Lincoln came to office, the confederate states thought they were doomed; although, all Lincoln really wanted to do was stop slavery from expanding into free territories. In 1793, a man by the name of Eli Whitney invented the Cotton Gin. This made it easier to mass produce separated cotton. This invention made southern crops very profitable; all they needed were hands to pick it. This led to increase in slave labor, which perpetuated more civil disobedience in the southern states. The confederate states couldnt just give up slavery outright. They felt it would have ruined the southern economy. They would no longer have the people to pick cotton, and white people thought they were too good for that. The north industrialized, and didnt see the need for slavery anymore. The democratic party was mostly made up of slaveholders. W...

Monday, March 2, 2020

Dissimilation and Haplology in Phonetics

Dissimilation and Haplology in Phonetics Dissimilation is a general term in phonetics and historical linguistics  for the process by which two neighboring sounds become less alike. Contrast with assimilation.  According to Patrick Bye, the term dissimilation entered the field [of phonology] in the 19th century from rhetoric, where it had been in use to describe the variation in style required for good public speaking (The Blackwell Companion to Phonology, 2011). Dissimilation and Haphology As discussed below, one type of dissimilation is  haplology- a sound change  involving the loss of a syllable when its  next to a phonetically identical (or similar) syllable.  Perhaps the best known example is the reduction of  Anglaland  in Old English to England in Modern English. Haplology is sometimes called  syllabic syncope.  (The counterpart of  haplology  in writing is  haplography- the accidental omission of a letter that should be repeated, such as mispell for misspell.) The Phonetics of English ElisionLanguage ChangePronunciationSegment and SuprasegmentalSound ChangeWhat Is the Correct Pronunciation of February?Word Boundaries Examples of Dissimilation [An] example of dissimilation is the substandard pronunciation of chimney as chimley, with the second of two nasals changed to an [l]. The ultimate dissimilation is the complete loss of one sound because of its proximity to another similar sound. A frequent example in present-day standard English is the omission of one of two [r] sounds from words like cate(r)pillar, Cante(r)bury, rese(r)voir, terrest(r)ial, southe(r)ner, barbitu(r)ate, gove(r)nor, and su(r)prised.(John Algeo and Thomas Pyles, The Origins and Development of the English Language, 5th ed. Thomson, 2005) Dissimilation of Liquid Consonants ​Consider [an] example of dissimilation of liquid consonants that took place when the suffix -al attached to some Latin nouns to make adjectives. The regular suffixation process gives us pairs like the following: orbit/orbital, person/personal, culture/cultural, electric/electrical. However, when an /l/ precedes the ending anywhere in the root, the ending is changed from -al to -ar as a result of dissimilation: single/singular, module/modular, luna/lunar. (Kristin Denham and Anne Lobeck, Linguistics for Everyone. Wadsworth, 2010) Assimilation v. Dissimilation ​Assimilation is far more common than dissimilation; assimilation is usually regular, general throughout the language, though sometimes it can be sporadic. Dissimilation is much rarer and is usually not regular (is sporadic), though dissimilation can be regular. Dissimilation often happens at a distance (is non-adjacent) . . .. (Lyle Campbell, Historical Linguistics: An Introduction. MIT Press, 2004) Causes and Effects of Haphology ​We say that assimilation and dissimilation are changes that result in an increase or decrease, respectively, in the degree of phonetic similarity between two segments. It is tempting to think that such changes in the one segment are somehow caused by the phonetics of the other, and for generations that is actually how the matter has usually been presented. . . . But this is a confusion of cause and effect. It is true that the effect of the change is a net increase/decrease of similarity between two segments, but it is begging the question (to say the least) to assume that the degree of similarity is also somehow the cause of the change. The fact is that very little is known of the actual mechanisms of these changes, commonplace as they are. (Andrew L. Sihler, Language History: An Introduction. John Benjamins, 2000) Haplology Haplology  . . . is the name given to the change in which a repeated sequence of sounds is simplified to a single occurrence. For example, if the word  haplology  were to undergo haplology (were to be haplologized), it would reduce the sequence  lolo  to  lo,  haplology  Ã‚  haplogy. Some real examples are: (1) Some varieties of English reduce   library  to libry [laibri] and   probably  to probly [prÉ”bli].(2)   pacifism  pacificism (contrast with   mysticism  mysticism, where the repeated sequence is not reduced and does not end up as   mystism).(3) English   humbly  was   humblely  in Chaucers time, pronounced with three syllables, but has been reduced to two syllables (only one   l) in modern standard English.  (Lyle Campbell,   Historical Linguistics: An Introduction, 2nd ed. MIT Press, 2004) The Haphology Effect The  haplology  effect can often be heard in the casual  pronunciation  of each of these words: February, probably, regularly, and similarly.  The words  library  and  necessary, especially as spoken in Southern England, are often heard by foreigners as  libry  and  nessary. But when they repeat the words as such, they do not sound right, since there should be a lengthened  r  and  s, respectively, in those words. It shows that foreigners notice the beginning stages of  haplology  in those words, when there is as yet no complete haplology. (Yuen Ren Chao,  Language and Symbolic Systems. Cambridge University Press, 1968)